Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Researcher Journal for Legal Sciences, Volume Three / Issue One / Year 2022

Researcher Journal of Legal Sciences

Volume Three / Issue One / Year 2022


ISSN(PRINT): 2706-5960

ISSN(ONLINE): 2706-5979

Deposit number in the National Books and Documents House (2409) for the year 2020

Researcher Journal of Legal Sciences

A peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes specialized research in the science of law and its branches. It is published semi-annually by the College of Law - University of Fallujah.


ISSN(PRINT): 2706-5960

ISSN(ONLINE): 2706-5979


Deposit number in the National Books and Documents House (2409) for the year 2020


the address:

Republic of Iraq, Anbar, University of Fallujah, College of Law, Researcher Journal of Legal Sciences



The magazine's website:


Subscribe to the magazine:

The annual subscription to the magazine inside and outside Iraq is determined on the basis of: (50,000) fifty thousand Iraqi dinars for institutions and persons inside Iraq, and (100$) one hundred dollars for institutions and persons outside Iraq.

Published: 2022-11-23
