International responsibility for disturbing global health security



  • Saja Hamdi Maizar

  • Dr. Ahmed Abdul-Razzaq Hathm


States are making various efforts to control the international spread of infectious diseases, which is the primary responsibility for reducing the spread of diseases and epidemics. Regulations have been enacted as strict rules to deal with health crises to achieve global health security. Here, it is the responsibility of the international community to implement health systems to achieve health security, including States, to help protect the human self. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss international responsibility for the disruption of global health security, to reduce health threats and strive for human well-being. In order to shed light on that, we divided the topic into three demands. In the first requirement, we dealt with international obligations to protect global health security. In the second requirement, we discussed the legal basis for international responsibility for health damage. In the third requirement, we touched on the responsibility of countries for violating global health security.


Health security obligations, legal basis, international responsibility



How to Cite

سجى حمدي ميزر, & أ.د. أحمد عبد الرزاق هضم. (2022). International responsibility for disturbing global health security: Doi: Research Journal for Legal Sciences, 2(2). Retrieved from