The Voluntary Liquidation of Bank - Comparative Study



  • Assistant Professor Dr. Majeed Ahmed Ibrahim

    College of Law/ university of Fallujah/ Iraq


The founders of the bank aim to achieve profit by conducting banking business and increasing commercial activities, and this profit may grow to the extent that the founders of the bank would look for new ways to attain a greater increase in profits. The banks legislation indicates possibility of a bank to liquidate its own entity in order to incorporate with another bank in order to benefit from the facilities granted by the central bank to the united or merged banks. The founders of the bank may see that the bank is no longer fulfilling their commercial ambitions and has not achieved the desired interest, so they decide to liquidate it voluntarily.


voluntary liquidation, reasons for voluntary liquidation, liquidator, deletion of the bank name.



How to Cite

أ‌.م. د. مجيد احمد ابراهيم. (2023). The Voluntary Liquidation of Bank - Comparative Study: Doi: Research Journal for Legal Sciences, 4(2). Retrieved from