Intellectual Property Between the Dominance of the Economic Dimension and the Importance of the Human Dimension



  • Professor Doctor Ahmed Khalaf Hussein Al-Dakhil

    College of Law - University of Tikrit / Iraq
  • Professor Doctor Ali Ghani Abbas

    Dean of the College of Law AL-Mashriq University / Iraq


The research deals with the idea of adding a new dimension to intellectual property, after it used to include a purely economic dimension linked to the material aspects resulting from the investment or exploitation of intellectual productions. An amount of money that is usually bought by companies or people who know how to benefit from it and exploit it in the most heinous way, hiding behind the encouragement that should be respected for thinkers and creators who do not actually get from these results but a very small amount, while those companies know billions of dollars, which necessitates Adding a human or social dimension that guarantees the preservation of the rights of national communities, whether in the face of the rights of companies that own intellectual property or in the face of violations by those companies of the intellectual property of those communities.


Intellectual property, economic dimension, human dimension, social responsibility, behavioral economics



How to Cite

الأستاذ الدكتور احمد خلف حسين الدخيل, & الأستاذ الدكتور علي غني عباس. (2023). Intellectual Property Between the Dominance of the Economic Dimension and the Importance of the Human Dimension: Doi: Research Journal for Legal Sciences, 4(1ج 2). Retrieved from


